Storymill vs. scrivener
Storymill vs. scrivener

storymill vs. scrivener

How could something so basic have been missed in StoryMill? Cons: Looks like this takes even more time to set up and get with the program. LOVE that it has just a plain old highlight feature. One thing that it looks like you can do with Scrivener that you can’t with StoryMill is have the webpage/file/picture actually embedded into your notes so it won’t take you out and into your web browser to see it. From other reviews, I’m hearing that it’s not as good as StoryMill for fiction writers but I have to wonder if it just depends on what type of fiction you are writing. So here are the initial thoughts: Holy cow! The corkboard and index cards look awesome! Great for putting together research and keeping it all in one place and looks easy to get to.


After that, tonight I will be setting it up for my current WIP and I’ll update this post with a full review. I’ve taken a peek at it, though and I’ll tell you my initial feelings. Scrivener: I’ll be completely honest and say, I haven’t played with it yet. Why can’t you just go to export and pick and choose from there? For instance, in order to export, you must first go to “Chapters,” highlight the chapter you want to export and then click export. You can annotate but you can’t just highlight? It’s not incredibly user friendly – using it requires quite a learning curve because it’s not very streamlined. Formatting gets all kinds of screwy when you export and you have to fix it all.

storymill vs. scrivener

Cons I’ve found: Exporting kind of sucks with it. You can keep track of all your characters’ info. It will also give you a count of how many times you’ve used words and check for cliches (although it’s limited in its capabilities in this area). You can write by scenes, drag and drop them wherever you want, check your timeline, keep notes, and so much more. StoryMill: I was so happy to switch to StoryMill! The features were just too useful. Word: Yes, it’s easy to use but I couldn’t help but wonder if the other, more specific, programs were better. I have StoryMill and I just got Scrivener.

Storymill vs. scrivener